Cim d' Àligues S.L.
Fecha de alta
24/08/2007 -
Fecha de actualización
24-08-2007 - Descarga la ficha
Cim d’Àligues (Eagle’s Peak) is a centre unique in Spain in its kind, created for the study, breeding, exhibition and free-flight of birds of prey. The idea to create Cim d'Àligues arose from Rafa Farriols who has been passionate about birds of prey since he was a little boy. Time went by and, after visiting several centres throughout Europe, the project began to take shape. In March 1994, after nearly three years of searching for a place, applying for authorisations, filling forms, and doing preparation work, Cim d’Àligues opened its doors. Although the official opening did not take place until June that year it was the first specialised centre for birds of prey created in Spain. In the beginning we had a work-team of four and twenty birds of prey. Nowadays six persons work full-time. In addition to this support personnel (instructors) work during the school terms, and we also have some enthusiastic volunteers. We now have about 100 birds of 28 different species at the centre, organised in two different zones: the cages and exhibition area, for their exhibition and flight, and the breeding area.
Información general
To inform in a pleasent form about the characteristics, peculiarities and status in the environment of birds of prey.
Puntos fuertes
To breed birds of prey in collaboration with private and public institutions.
Cobertura taxonómica
Nombres científicos
todo(s) Aves.
Nombres comunes
todo(s) aves de presa.
Cobertura geoespacial
todo(s) mundial.
Localización temporal
Cobertura temporal
todo(s) taxón existente.