» Participantes » Parque Zoológico de Santillana

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José Ignacio Pardo de Santayana




Avda. del Zoo, 2
39330 Santillana del Mar

Parque Zoológico de Santillana


The Zoo of Santillana is bought to avoid its disappearance by José Ignacio Pardo de Santallana in 1976. It is the fourth most representative Zoo in Spain according to ADENA/WWF. Its main objective is the Preservation of species threatened with extinction. The Zoo try to make the life of the animals the most pleasant possible, to it, the representation of their original habitats in this facilities (temperature, moisture, plant canopy, food and envirnment) is very important. The Zoo has been internationally distinguished by the reproduction of orang-outangs and tigers from Sumatra, dorcas gacelles, five little monkey species, etc. All these reproductions have been controledby the EEP (Endangered Species Program). In the Zoo of Santillana live more than 2000 animals. It has some thematic gardens as the "butterfly garden". This garden is a greenhouse with 26º C and 90% of moisture during all year where a tropical rain-forest has been planted and hundred of butterfly live in freedom. The scientific reseach has a important role in objectives of the Zoo. The obtained dates as gestation periodes, illness, sanitary treatments, food preferences, baby animal growth, etc., are informed other zoos by means the ARKS-ISIS computer program. Finally, the Zoo of Santillana has a educational program focused to students, teachers and families. The educational program consists of transmit respect and love to the animals by means of educative notebooks, guided routes and workshops.

Información general


Preservation of species threatened with extintion, scientific reseach and educational and leisure functions

Cobertura taxonómica

Nombres científicos

algunos/as Arachnida, algunos/as Aves, algunos/as Insecta, algunos/as Mammalia, algunos/as Osteichthyes, algunos/as Reptilia.

Nombres comunes

algunos/as Arañas, algunos/as aves, algunos/as insectos, algunos/as mamíferos, algunos/as peces.

Cobertura geoespacial

algunos/as Africa, algunos/as América, algunos/as Asia, algunos/as Europa, algunos/as Oceanía.

Localización temporal

Cobertura temporal

todo(s) taxón existente.

Recursos de la colección

Colecciones y bases de datos albergadas