» Biodiversity Data » Access to Data

Access to Data

Main access points to biodiversity information


It is a catalog of Spanish natural history collections and biodiversity databases -sharing or not their data in GBIF.ES-, and the institutions they are associated. The information contained in the Collection Registry is public, structured in sheets and updated by the GBIF.ES Coordination Unit. This information allows determining the state of its knowledge and establishing criteria and priorities for the scientific, administrative and conservation management of biodiversity and environment.


GBIF.ES Biodiversity Data Portal

The GBIF.ES Biodiversity Data Portal was launched in 2014 and it is based on the system used by the Atlas of Living Australia (GBIF Australian node). This platform constitutes an unprecedented gate to Spanish Biodiversity Information. It allows filtering, accessing and downloading all biodiversity registers published by Spanish research institutions, universities, public administrations, and organizations, as well as registers of foreign databases referred to the Spanish territory. Moreover, this Data Portal offers detailed information of every dataset, facilitates searchings (taxonomics, geographics, temporaries, etc.), and favor the processing of data or its link and reuse with external databases.


GBIF International Data Portal

Through the International Data Portal, you can access to millions of registers generously shared by a wide number of institutions and organizations from around the world (including the Spanish ones) by using the GBIF network. Appart from the registers of species (based on specimens and occurrences), we can obtain information about the nomenclature and systematics of organisms.


Other initiatives

Check other national and international initiatives sharing biodiversity information.
