News and events
Webinar «Ongoing projects and funding opportunities for scientific collections»
In order to address the demand for dissemination and training about biodiversity data use and data publication, we are launching a programme of...
Open call GBIF.ES online Workshop on Polar Biodiversity Data Standardization and Publication
The registration period for the GBIF.ES online workshop on Polar Biodiversity Data Standardization and Publication is open. This workshop will...
2021 GBIF.ES Annual Training Plan
The GBIF.ES TRAINING PLAN for 2021 has been published. This year we will be offereing 5 online workshops as well as three webinars with the focus on biodiversity collections, whose topics...
Call for nominations to the 2021 GBIF Young Researchers Award
GBIF is pleased to invite nominations for the 2021 Young Researchers Award. This annual programme aims to foster and recognize innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics...
Business contribution to open biodiversity data. Resources from the last GBIF.ES webinar
The webinar Publication of biodiversity data through GBIF. An invitation to the business sector was held on November 12th. This online event,...
Join the webinar: “Sharing biodiversity data through GBIF. An invitation to the business sector”.
The registration period for the GBIF.ES webinar: Sharing biodiversity data through GBIF....
Open call for III GBIF.ES online Workshop on the Management, Visualization and Analysis of Ecological Data by using R software (beginner level)
The registration period for the I GBIF.ES online Workshop on the Management, Visualization...
The international workshop on Biodiversity data use for decision making will be postponed due to COVID-19
The Biodiversity data use for decision-making workshop will be postponed due to the...
El taller internacional sobre Uso de datos en la toma de decisiones de abril en Chile se pospone debido al COVID-19
Las actuales restricciones provocadas por la situación del COVID-19 nos obligan a...
GBIF Spain trains experts working with biodiversity data in a workshop in Bindura (Zimbabwe)
The last workshop of the "Strengthening Zimbabwe’s GBIF node through collaboration with GBIF Spain" CESP project, funded by GBIF, was hosted...
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