» Formación y divulgación » III Taller sobre Georreferenciación de bases de datos biológicas GBIFS/GBIF-ES


Workshop start date


Workshop end date



Aula de Informática del Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC)


John R. Wieczorek


Carol Spencer (Universidad de California), Heather Constable (Universidad de California), David Draper (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Pablo Sastre (MNCN) y Alberto González Talaván (Secretariado Internacional de GBIF)



Maximum number of participants



III Taller sobre Georreferenciación de bases de datos biológicas GBIFS/GBIF-ES


GBIF Spain organises in collaboration with the GBIF Secretariat The Third GBIF Georeferencing Workshop in Madrid. The lecturer invited will be John R. Wieckzorek from Berkeley University of California. The workshop will be conducted in English and will include the techniques needed to add or complete the geographic information stored with the biological collections' specimens and/or in other databases holding biodiversity information.

International applications must be endorsed and submitted by a GBIF Head of Delegation or his/her designate to And applicants from Spain are kindly requested to contact directly Francisco Pando at from the Spanish GBIF Node.
Debido al número limitado de plazas disponibles, las solicitudes presentadas se someterán a un proceso de selección donde se evaluarán los criterios estándar:
  • Adscripción a una institución que colabore y/o provea datos a través de la red de GBIF.
  • Número de solicitudes presentadas desde esa misma institución.
  • Conocimientos sobre la materia.
  • Solicitud y/o presencia en talleres anteriores de GBIF España.
  • Orden de inscripción.

In collaboration with GBIF and The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley.

Location: The Coordination Unit of the GBIF National Node in Spain is located in the research building of the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid). The entrance is situated in Claudio Moyano street. Be aware: DO NOT use the Botanic Garden exposition main gate, located in Murillo's Square, in front of Prado's Museum main gate.Date: 5-8 mayo 2008.

Google Earth File with Hotel, Real Jardín Botánico and workshop venue locations

NOTE: the map showed in this page has been extracted from Madrid's Council website:, reproduced here with the authorization of the person in charge.


Monday - 5 May

Activity Location
(Francisco Pando)
computer room
(Cristina Villaverde)
computer room
Workshop Overview
(John Wieczorek)
computer room
(<5 min presentations welcome)
computer room
Georeferencing Overview
(John Wieczorek)
computer room
Break bonsai room
Methods and Practices
Point-radius Method,
Best Practices, and Georeferencing Calculator, with examples
(Carol Spencer)
computer room
Lunch bonsai room
Georeferencing Using Paper Maps
(Alberto González Talaván)
computer room
Exercises: Using Paper Maps computer room
herbarium prep room
Break bonsai room
Exercises: Using Paper Maps (continued) computer room
herbarium prep room

Tuesday - 6 May

Hour Activity Location
09:00 Exercises: Describe this Locality
(David Draper)
computer room
10:30 Break bonsai room
11:00 Exercises: Describe this Locality
(David Draper)
computer room
12:30 Lunch bonsai room
13:30 Online Resources Presentation
Internet Resources
(Carol Spencer)
computer room
14:15 Exercises: Internet Resources computer room
16:00 Break bonsai room
16:30 Verification Process - Results: Paper Maps
(Heather Constable)
computer room
17:00 Results: Describe this Locality
(David Draper/John Wieczorek)
computer room
17:30 Good and Bad Localities. <<VIDEO>>
(David Draper)
computer room
18:00 End

Wednesday - 7 May

Hour Activity Location
09:00 Introduction to GIS.
(Pablo Sastre)
computer room
10:00 Darwin Core, Geospatial Extension. <<VIDEO Part I and Video Part II >>
(John Wieczorek)
computer room
10:30 Break and RJB Tour bonsai room and RJB
11:30 Using GIS Part I
Using GIS Part II
(Pablo Sastre)
computer room
13:30 Using DIVA-GIS
(Pablo Sastre/Carol Spencer)
computer room
14:00 Lunch bonsai room
15:00 Exercises: DIVA-GIS (Kenya,) computer room
16:00 GIS Resources, Building Your Own Maps, Verification Using DIVA-GIS
(Carol Spencer/Heather Constable)
computer room
16:45 Break bonsai room
17:15 GBIF Data Portals
(Francisco Pando)
Spanish Data Portal Presentation Part I and Part II.
International Data Portal Presentation.
computer room
17:30 GeoLocate
(David Draper)
computer room
18:30 End

Thursday - 8 May

Hour Activity Location
09:00 BioGeomancer.
How it works. <<VIDEO>>
(John Wieczorek)
computer room
09:45 BioGeomancer. Georeferencing Workbench
(John Wieczorek)
computer room
10:30 Group Photo and Break bonsai room
11:15 BioGeomancer Projects (Batch Processing)
(John Wieczorek)
computer room
13:00 Lunch bonsai room
14:00 BioGeomancer Project Exercises (Batch Processing)
(John Wieczorek)
computer room
14:30 Wrap-up and Summary
(Francisco Pando)
computer room
15:00 Workshop Evaluation
(Cristina Villaverde)
computer room
15:30 Individual Participant Georeferencing Projects
computer room
18:30 End

Francisco Pando – Spanish GBIF Node. Node Manager
Cristina Villaverde – Spanish GBIF Node. Training Coordinator



John Wieczorek – University of California, Berkeley. Programmer/Analyst
Carol Spencer – University of California, Berkeley. Curator of Herpetology
Heather Constable - Universty of California, Berkeley. Research Associate
Alberto González Talaván – GBIF Secretariat. Training Officer
David Draper – Technical University of Madrid. Researcher
Pablo Sastre – Spanish National Natural History Museum. Researcher

List of participants

Name Organization
1 Martín Castro Beatriz Centro de Investigaciones Ambientales Fernando González Bernáldez. Universidad Complutense, SPAIN
2 Martínez Rodríguez Jorge CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico
3 Otegui Tellechea Javier Universidad de Navarra, SPAIN
4 Vázquez Luis Maite Universidad de Alicante, SPAIN
5 Arechavala López Pablo Universidad de Alicante, SPAIN
6 Santos Vicente María Universidad de Salamanca, SPAIN
7 Martín Tomé Miguel Ángel CIBIO, SPAIN
8 Robles Domínguez Estrella Universidad de Navarra, SPAIN
9 Noya Santos Rosario CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico
10 García San León David Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Laboratorio de Botánica, Fac. Farmacia. [Herbario]
11 Dueñas Carazo Margarita The Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, SPAIN