Colección de animales vivos, L'Aquarium de Barcelona, Acuarios Oceanworld S.L.
Registration date
23/08/2007 -
Update date
28/01/2008 - Download the sheet
L'Aquàrium of Barcelona opened its doors to the public in 1995 and, until now, they are already more than 10 millions, people that have enjoyed a submarine walk. At the moment you can observe in the aquarium more than 10.000 specimens of 450 different species. The Department of Biology is the responsible of the maintenance of the zoological collection. It comprises a well-staffed team of marine biology specialists in charge of making sure our animals are comfortable and always look their best. This Department is also in charge of feeding, cleaning the aquariums, disease control, decoration, technical inspections, etc.; the lab unit supervises physicochemical parameters and caaries out microscopic analyses.Overall information
1- Quality of waters, 2- Elasmobranchian and Teleostean Biology, Physiology and Patology, 3- Reproduction of different aquatic species.
Access restrictions
General public by ticket. Researchers previous appointment.
Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names
algunos/as Aves, algunos/as Chlorophyta, algunos/as Chondrichthyes, algunos/as Cnidaria, algunos/as Crustacea, algunos/as Echinodermata, algunos/as Liliatae, algunos/as Mollusca, algunos/as Osteichthyes, algunos/as Phaeophyta, algunos/as Reptilia, algunos/as Rhodophyta.
Common names
algunos/as anfibios, algunos/as artrópodos, algunos/as aves, algunos/as cocodrilos, algunos/as corales, algunos/as crustáceos, algunos/as erizos de mar, dólares de arena, estrellas de mar, algunos/as fitoplancton, algunos/as invertebrados no artrópodos ni moluscos, algunos/as macroalgas, medusas, algunos/as moluscos, algunos/as peces, algunos/as pingüinos, algunos/as plantas acuáticas, algunos/as plantas vasculares, rays, reptiles, algunos/as tiburones.
Geospatial coverage
todo(s) mundial.
Temporal location
Temporal coverage
todo(s) taxón existente.
Datasets of the collection/database
Types of objects
todo(s) organismos enteros.
Types of datasets
todo(s) observaciones.
Conservation method
todo(s) sin tratamiento.