Colección de animales vivos, Safari Park "El Vergel"
Registration date
23/08/2007 -
Update date
28/01/2008 - Download the sheet
This collection does no longer exist (updated on 02/14/2023). This collection began in 1974 and is mainly integrated by african, paleartic and asian herbivores, felines and monkeys. Strength: - Ethological studies and resolution of social conflicts in four groups of bengal tigers. - Sevoflurano use in anesthesia of the Iberian wolf. - Main clinical pathologies in great felines. - Study and pursuit of adaptation to the new environments and intra/interspecifical conflicts of ungulate herbivores in the use of a common territory.Overall information
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Usage restrictions
The use of animals for exhibitionists or circus. To visit animal facilities without justified scientifical purposes and without authorization by the Department od Zoology.
Access restrictions
For researchers: 1- making an appointment to the department of Zoology, 2- through agreements with other zoological centers. It is necessary to fulfill the habitual protocols of security in the handling of animals.
Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names
Aves, Mammalia, Reptilia.
Common names
Some amphibians, some birds, some mammals, reptiles.
Geospatial coverage
Mainly Africa, some Australia, some Europe, some India, some South America.
Datasets of the collection/database
Types of objects
Organismos enteros.
Nº of copies / records
Nº of species
Percentage of computerization
Does it include Type specimens?