Colección de aves de presa vivas, Cim d'Àligues S.L.
Registration date
24/08/2007 -
Update date
31/01/2008 - Download the sheet
The collection of Birds of prey of Cim d' Àligues has the next objectives: 1- By our informative sessions at the cages area, before each flight session, and by the explanations throughout the exhibitions, we show our visitors the characteristics and peculiarities of each species of these amazing birds. The flight sessions are conducted at a natural viewpoint, located near the edge of a cliff. 2- In order to achieve greater sensitivity and respect towards nature, we have developed several educational programs, addressed to the children that visit us with their schools. Although our work focuses on the study of birds of prey, it also points to the other elements that make up the ecosystem, and to their interactions. The contents of our programmes for school groups are always adapted to the children’s ages. They include four different levels of workbooks. 3 - The centre runs a permanent breeding programme which aims to build the numbers of birds of various species, including those currently under threat of extinction. We also co-operate with several public and private institutions engaged in different projects which aim to house and protect birds which have been injured in some way and assist the recuperation and release of injured birds into the wild.Overall information
see description
To breed birds of prey in collaboration with private and public institutions.
Access restrictions
Appointment is required
Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names
todo(s) Aves.
Common names
todo(s) aves, todo(s) aves de presa.
Geospatial coverage
todo(s) mundial.
Temporal location
Temporal coverage
todo(s) taxón existente.
Datasets of the collection/database
Types of objects
todo(s) organismos enteros.
Types of datasets
todo(s) observaciones.
Conservation method
todo(s) sin tratamiento.
Nº of copies / records
Nº of species
Percentage of computerization
Does it include Type specimens?