» Registro de instituciones, colecciones y bases de datos de biodiversidad » Museo de Historia Natural "La Salle-Son Rapinya", Centro "La Salle", Pont d'Inca
Centro "La Salle", Pont d'Inca



Emilio Casto-Izquierdo




Carrer la Salle, 15
Pont d'Inca
Islas Baleares

Museo de Historia Natural "La Salle-Son Rapinya", Centro "La Salle", Pont d'Inca


The collections of this Museum began in the first years of the XX century with the Herbarium of the Brother Bianor, eminent botanists, and a first collection of minerals of Majorca. Between 1950 and 1975 the Brother Emilio Castro took charge of the Museum; in this period, a lot of fossil remains of herbivore vertebrates found in the island of Majorca were incorporated to the collecions of the Museum. Between 1975 and 1986, the Brother León was the person (organizer also of the La Salle Museum from Paternal) who reordered the collections of the Museum in their current location. After his death that happened in 1986, the Brother Emilio Castro was again who succeeded him in the curation, aided by the Brother Miguel García, professor of Sciences of the School. As in the other schools of the Order, collections of insects, birds, shells, fossils, plants and minerals are exhibited. They are prominent, apart from the Herbarium of the Brother Bianor, a herbivore skeleton (Myotragus balearicus) found in Pollensa (Majorca), and several specimens of Rana pueyoi.

Overall information


The main objective of these museums is the knowledge of Natural History by children.

Usage restrictions

Scholar groups must come with teachers. Must not play and/or run in the museums.

Access restrictions

Appointment is required

Taxonomic coverage

Scientific names

algunos/as Amphibia, algunos/as Aves, algunos/as Coniferophyta, algunos/as Insecta, Liliatae, algunos/as Magnoliatae, algunos/as Mammalia, algunos/as Mollusca, algunos/as Pteridophyta, algunos/as Reptilia.

Common names

algunos/as anfibios, algunos/as Angiospermas, algunos/as artrópodos, algunos/as aves, algunos/as coníferas, algunos/as helechos, algunos/as insectos, algunos/as mamíferos, algunos/as moluscos, algunos/as plantas vasculares, algunos/as reptiles.

Geospatial coverage

principalmente Islas Baleares, algunos/as resto de la Península Ibérica.

Temporal location

Temporal coverage

algunos/as Cenozoico, algunos/as Mesozoico, algunos/as Paleozoico, principalmente reciente.

Datasets of the collection/database

Types of objects

algunos/as conchas (colección), algunos/as huesos, algunos/as huevos, algunos/as organismos enteros, algunos/as pieles.

Types of datasets

algunos/as fósil, principalmente Preservados.

Conservation method

algunos/as alcohol, algunos/as montado, algunos/as pinchado, algunos/as secado y prensado, algunos/as sin tratamiento.


Nº of copies / records


Percentage of computerization


Does it include Type specimens?


Access to datasets

  • N/A