» Registro de instituciones, colecciones y bases de datos de biodiversidad » Otros juegos de datos no asociados a colecciones
Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC)
Number of records published in GBIF




+34 954232340


Isla de la Cartuja. Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n


Otros juegos de datos no asociados a colecciones


Esta base de datos de la Estación Biológica de Doñana incluye otros juegos de datos no asociados a colecciones.


Does it include Type specimens?


Map of Specimens

Access to datasets

  • Nyctalus lasiopterus Tagging Events

  • Prey identification of free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) from rural and natural areas of Spain through scat analysis

  • Mammals camera trap survey in eastern Sierra Nevada (Spain)

  • Freshwater fauna in Spain in the mid-19th Century

  • A biodiversity inventory of the 16th century based on a land and socio-economic survey in Spain

  • A literature-based inventory of ecological interactions in Doñana National Park

  • Plant-animal frugivore interactions and beyond in Doñana's fruiting season: Insights from DNA barcoding

  • Database of field studies on environmental impacts of invasive plant species in Europe

  • Flora de los bosques del valle de Valdebezana (Burgos)

  • Domestic cat (Felis catus) preys reported by volunteers within the project Feral Cats

  • Yellow-legged gull locations in South Western Iberian Peninsula 2022

  • Number of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes live, sick and dead, and number of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes sick and dead by administrative unit (NUTS3 region) submitted to between 2016 and 2021

  • GYPSUM LICHENS: a global data set of lichen species from gypsum ecosystems

  • Number of live, sick and dead birds of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes by day submitted to in The Netherlands and Belgium between 2016 and 2021

  • Number of sick and dead birds of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes by day submitted to in The Netherlands and Belgium between 2016 and 2021

  • Camera-trap survey to detect free-ranging domestic cats and other mammals in Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park

  • Audouin's gull locations in Southern Spain and Northern Morocco, 2023

  • Yellow-legged gull locations in South Western Iberian Peninsula 2023

  • Scopoli's shearwater locations in Southern Spain offshore (Alboran Sea), 2022

  • Audouin's gull locations in Southern Spain and Northern Morocco, 2022

  • Readings of Nyctalus lasiopterus events by Smart Bat Boxes