Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CSIC)
Registration date
14/10/2009 -
Update date
25-04-2022 - Download the sheet
The CEAB is a research center belonging to the CSIC that started its activity in October 1985 and is currently focusing its research activities in studying the organisms' ecology and biology both in marine and continental water ecosystems.
Overall information
To identify the diversity of organisms and to understand their functions and interactions in nature, applying this knowledge to the rational use and management of our planet's resources and to predict responses to environmental changes. The CEAB works with a wide range of approaches, from the biochemical and genetic composition of organisms to the structure and dynamics of populations and ecosystems, to develop technically up-to-date, conceptually solid and creative research allowing to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and to its application to face the challenges arising in the development of a sustainable society.
Biodiversidad acuática.
Collections and databases hosted
- Bacterioplancton de Lagos Pirenaicos
- Diatomeas de Lagos Pirenaicos
- Plantas acuáticas de los lagos del Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici
- Rotíferos y crustáceos en lagos pirenaicos
- Macroinvertebrados de Lagos Pirenaicos
- Efemerópteros y Plecópteros (entomología)
- Invertebrados marinos (esponjas, poliquetos, ascidias, crustáceos)