» Participantes » Fotografía y Biodiversidad
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Administrative Contact

Diego Gil Tapetado




Jerico nº 1, 7º 4
08035 Barcelona

Fotografía y Biodiversidad


We are a non-profit association, whose objective is to bring citizens closer to biodiversity through the use of citizen science as a source of information for the dissemination of knowledge and the conservation of nature. We have a project called Biodiversidad Virtual, a computer platform that incorporates biodiversity data through georeferenced photography.

Overall information


  • a) Encourage the study of wild flora and fauna, as well as their habitats, as the main tool for the knowledge and defense of our BIODIVERSITY.
  • b) Create a social awareness of the importance of the CONSERVATION of nature.
  • c) Perform, organize and / or promote activities aimed at knowing our natural environment, always under the strictest ethical standards of respect for NATURE, respect that will be promoted both inside and outside the Association.
  • d) Collaborate with Scientific Entities, Ecological and Conservation Groups, Public Administrations, Educational Centers and Associations related to nature, either sharing data, exchanging experiences or reporting aggressions to the natural environment.
  • e) Use photography as a method of approaching the environment, being totally prohibited to capture any animal or pull out any type of plant.
  • f) Contribute to the photos and their corresponding quotations derived from our photographic activities to websites that facilitate the identification, determination, organization and dissemination of the results.
  • g) Attempt to repair and / or mitigate the repercussions of human activities on the environment.


  • a) Organizar y/o fomentar conferencias, exposiciones, cursos, seminarios, salidas de campo o cualquier otra actividad que ayuden a comprender y/o divulgar el conocimiento del entorno natural y la defensa de la biodiversidad.
  • b) Crear y mantener actualizada una web que sea el eje de comunicación tanto a nivel interno (asociados) como a nivel externo (público en general), con un calendario de actividades y un sistema de difusión de los resultados derivados de las actividades realizadas.
  • c) Desarrollar un Comité de ética para velar por el buen nombre de la Asociación y el correcto comportamiento de los asociados.

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