Museo Geológico del Seminario de Barcelona
Registration date
22/08/2007 -
Update date
25-04-2012 - Download the sheet
The Geological Museum of the Seminary of Barcelona was founded in 1874. It is an institution of the Catholic Church. Firstly, it was a Natural Science Cabinet, but it was transformed in a Palaeontological Museum and Laboratory at XIX century. Nowadays, this museum mainly houses fossil inveretebrates and tries to balance the scientific works (dominant aspect) with the exhibition of the collections. Although, the biggest collection of the Museum is integrated by fossil invertebrates, it has smaller collections of vertebrates, Palaeobotany, Malacology, minerals and rocks, as well.
Overall information
1- Preservation of the housed fossils, 2- Taxonomical, biostratigraphical and paleobiogeographical studies, 3- Divulgation of the studies.
1- To relate fossils to stratigraphical contexts, 2- To re-examinate older taxonomical determinations and to value the rigth identification, 3- Other related to the objetives of the organization
Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names
algunos/as Arthropoda, algunos/as Brachiopoda, algunos/as Bryozoa, algunos/as Cnidaria, algunos/as Echinodermata, algunos/as Mollusca, algunos/as Porifera, algunos/as Vertebrata.
Common names
anfibios, algunos/as braquiópodos, algunos/as briozoos, algunos/as corales, algunos/as crinoideos, estrellas de mar, erizos de mar, dólares de arena, crustáceos, algunos/as esponjas, algunos/as foraminíferos, algunos/as insectos, mamíferos, algunos/as moluscos (escafópodos, gasterópodos, pelecípodos, cefalópodos), algunos/as peces, algunos/as plantas, reptiles, trilobites.
Geospatial coverage
principalmente Cataluña (España), algunos/as mundial, algunos/as resto de España.
Temporal location
Temporal coverage
principalmente Cenozoico, principalmente Mesozoico, algunos/as Paleozoico.