Museos de Morella
Registration date
22/08/2007 -
Update date
22-08-2007 - Download the sheet
Multidisciplinar Museum with different sections: Palaeontology, Arqueology, Ethnology and "Sexenni" festival. This Museum has a local subject but, due its location, it can be in several aspects a regional character.
Overall information
The main topic of the museum is the preservation and study of the cultural heritage of the zone. Nowadays, the museum has a popularizing function but it intends to become in the future an active place of scientific reseach and approachig to the society
Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names
algunos/as Arthropoda, algunos/as Brachiopoda, algunos/as Cnidaria, algunos/as Echinodermata, algunos/as Mollusca, algunos/as Porifera, algunos/as Vertebrata.
Common names
algunos/as braquiópodos, algunos/as corales, algunos/as dinosaurios, algunos/as erizos de mar, dólares de arena, crinoideos, algunos/as esponjas, algunos/as foraminíferos, insectos, algunos/as moluscos (escafópodos, gasterópodos, pelecípodos, cefalópodos), algunos/as plantas, algunos/as trilobites.
Geospatial coverage
algunos/as Els Ports (España), principalmente Morella (España).
Temporal location
Temporal coverage
principalmente Cretácico Inferior.