/ Software / Bibmaster: Software for the management of biographic and nomenclatural biodiversity information

Bibmaster: Software for the management of biographic and nomenclatural biodiversity information

Bibmaster is a database application for biodiversity projects management: taxa level information, nomenclature, literature and specimen management: reference lists, key-words, nomenclature, iconography, check-lists, specimen-lists and herbarium labels.

BIBMASTER stands as a complete management system, whose usefulness is supported by important taxonomic projects in the Iberian Peninsula, like Flora Iberica, Flora Mycologica Iberica and other important projects and publications. Although BIBMASTER was originally developed in the framework of botanical projects, nowadays, thanks to its flexible attribute system, can manage any kind of biodiversity projects.

Microsoft Windows
(64 or 32 bits)

Microsoft Office 32 bits
(2007 or newer)

Version number



Bibmaster enables the following functionalities:

  • Nomenclature management (synonymous and accepted names, basionyms, types of nomenclatures, references to the original publication, etc.).
  • Taxon management (i.e. descriptions, distributions, usages, vernacule names, etc.).
  • Management of information appended to names, publications, taxons, etc.
  • Specimen and citation management.
  • Management of bibliographic references.
  • Management of abbreviations of publications.
  • Managment of authors and their abbreviatures, both authors from bibliographic references as from scientific names.
  • Scientific name management. It allows data exchange (import/export) with other application of collection management (Herbar & Zoorbar).
  • Reports with taxon-level information (taxonomy and nomenclature, descriptions, identification keys, distribution, images, chorology, etc. with auto-generated indexes).
  • Production of formatted and indexed bibliographic lists.
  • Graded and alphabetic name lists.
  • Checklists production.
  • Label production for specimens used in microscopic preparations and field notebook.
  • Reports for the control of images and stored links.

Software images

Warning! Bibmaster development has been interrupted although the Spanish GBIF Node is still supporting users

How to cite

Pando F., Lujano M., Cezón K. Bibmaster (versión): una aplicación informática para gestionar información sobre biodiversidad de tipo bibliográfica y nomenclatural (consulta: fecha cuando fue consultado). GBIF.ES. Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.