"Setting up a GBIF Node" Workshop
The main goal of this workshop is advising GBIF Node managers about how to settle up a GIBF Node: how to identify priorities and needs, how to serve them, what kind of activities should be established, how to create agreements and collaborations, how to implement a training plan, etc.
It is clear that despite the --in many cases-- considerable differences among nodes and node managers in terms of expertise, resources available, and particular situation and priorities, there is still enough common ground to put in place a coherent and useful work program.
Day 1
Welcome remarks and presentations.
Crash introduction to biodiversity information and biodiversity informatics - Francisco Pando ("Biodiversity information" file .pdf; 1,88 Mb).
Overview at GBIF (history, mission, organisation, current work plan) - Juan Bello.
Day 2
Morning talk. Making a difference with biodiversity data: impacts of Nodes on policy and decision making, conservation, and sustainable development.
Morning talk: National priorities and needs: How to identify them? How to serve them? What types of questions are relevant for Nodes? How to communicate the answers? How to engage national organisations and promote collaboration?
Day 3
Morning talk: What kind of activities is normally a fully established Node responsible for? - CONABIO, CBD.
If you –as a node manager— could only do one thing (or two, or three) what would it be? - Francisco Pando ("How to ask for help" file .pdf; 30 Kb)
Setting up a GBIF Node step by step: What is required? When? How? ("Setting up a GBIF Node" file .pdf; 37 Kb)
Building up a Node’s team: Ideas, tips, suggestions and examples from the network.
Day 4
Morning talk: What makes a successful proposal? ("How to write succesful proposals" file .pdf; 30 Kb).
Preparing and implementing strategic & work plans. Exmaple: Work plan for the Spanish GBIF Node (file .pdf; 242 Kb).
Node Sustainability: How to write successful proposals.
Day 5
Morning talk: Roles and importance of Nodes in GBIF as a distributed network.
Promoting Node-to-Node interactions and cooperation at the regional level: Importance of, ideas for, and some initial agreements among participants.
Nodes interacting at the Nodes Committee and with the Secretariat: Needs, responsibilities, and opportunities.